Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Sigh! My baby is teething. She has been so cranky and grouchy the last few days. Usually she is a relaxed and calm baby but the last few days she has been so grouchy. I feel really bad for her. She also had a fever for about a day which was 102°. The fever went away though, thank goodness. We gave her some 'little remedies' infant medicine and that seem to help a whole lot. She didn't take the Tylenol infant medicine to well and threw it up with her breastmilk. So I decided I wanted to try this one, so JamLar went or and got it and it seemed to work very well. She seems a bit more happier than yesterday. But now I think I caught we fever because I have been sick all day. Fever, sore throat, runny nose, occasional sneezing, chills. It really sucks but I have to keep going and be strong to take care of baby. No breaks when you're a parent. 

Right now she is watching some Peppa Pig in bed with me. Such a cute cartoon and she really seems to like it. And don't judge me on her tv watching. She doesn't watch much and when she does it's Peppa Pig or another baby cartoon.

Anyway I'm using the Blogger app and I really like it so far. I wish I could get more followers but I guess that will come in due time.
